Restorative Yoga + Yoga for Clients with Physical Limitations and Injury Rehabilitation

50 Hours – October + November 2021

Even the strongest yogi needs a balance! This 50 Hour course was created to teach restorative yoga and to fulfill the unique needs of our yoga practitioner population. Our primary focus is on Restorative Yoga for the able-bodied with a secondary focus on how to include those with physical limitations and injury rehabilitations into our able-bodied class. The learning objective is to feel confident in welcoming all students into a restorative class and having something to offer everyone in a regular Hatha class to make them feel better when they leave the room. Take one module or BOTH!

There is NO match for the intelligence of the body. REST!

Top of the Lake ~ BBC2

Module One: October 2,3, 2021 – 8AM – 5PM

Module One focuses on RESTORATIVE YOGA: Theory behind Restorative Yoga practices, the Stress and the Nervous System, Vagus Nerve, and the Theory of Pain and the Theory of Somatic Practices to Promote Healing Principals in practice, restorative asana lab, artful sequencing and use of props. The anatomy of the low back skeleton, muscles, and nerves, the Psoas, S.I joint, head neck and shoulder pain and injury rehabilitation. Restorative Yoga as a healing modality to address injury and rehabilitation, and emotional manifestations of pain in the body. Teach the tools to design Restorative Practices to ease practitioners suffering pain both acutely and chronically. Breath, meditation, journaling and restorative yoga practices comprise this first weekend of training.

Module Two: November 13, 14, 2021 8AM – 5PM

Module Two focuses on YOGA for PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS and INVISIBLE ILLNESS: We continue to incorporate the Restorative poses as they pertain to working with Yoga for the “Invisible Injury” – Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussion, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Grief. The Asana Lab will introduce chair and wall yoga practices and sequencing that can stand alone or be offered within the body of a regular asana class for those with physical limitations. The anatomy lab includes the hip, physical limitation, arthritis, wisdom warrior, post-surgery/ breast, knee/hip replacement and heart surgery. This module incorporates embodied yoga, mindfulness practices, breath practices, mediation, and physical asana.


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